Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Bible Quizzing update 07/13/2016


I hope you are looking forward to the 2016-17 quizzing year as much as I am. This year we will be focusing on the book of Luke. My name is Christian Jones, and I am one of the coaches for this year. Some of the other coaches are:


Timmy Rich
Timmy was a quizzer for seven years. He has been in the top five for five of those seven years. Timmy is 18 and has graduated High School.

Joel Goode
Joel was a quizzer for two years. He made a remarkable jump in his rookie year to 14th place individual. By his second year he got 2nd place individual. Joel got to go to Internationals where he placed 23rd individual. In his second year, Joel led his team to be #1 in the district. Joel has worked hard and long, and now wants to pass on his knowledge to the new era of quizzers.

Andrew Rich
Mr. Rich has served with the quizzing program for years. He is an elder at the church and still seeks the Lord in everything he does. He is always there to encourage the youth (both quizzers and non-quizzers) to get into the Word and memorize it to get an intimate knowledge of it.

Christian Jones
Christian was a quizzer for four years. He didn't score as high as Timmy and Joel did, but he was definitely still into the memorization and social aspects of quizzing. One of his biggest accomplishments as a quizzer was going from somewhere around 40th place in his rookie year to 11th place in his second year. He came in 13th in his third year, and 20th in his senior year, which is pretty impressive considering he originally wasn't going to quiz in his senior year.

What is quizzing?
What is quizzing you ask? Well, let me allow Joel Goode, our video specialist, tell you
Click here

When does it start?
The first day is August 7th. August 7th is a information meeting where we will discuss all the important details of quizzing. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend. Food will be provided. There will also be some mild practice on the benches as well.
The first practice is August 14th. This is the day where verses will start being required and where we will practice on the benches.